Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Serious Reportable Events

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health just released their annual report of serious reportable events in Massachusetts hospitals.  You can see the report here.  There were 383 in total for 2009, up from 338 the year before.  The biggest increase was in pressure ulcers, but the DPH thinks this may be due to better reporting as opposed to an increase in the incident rate.  Falls continue to make up a majority of the events (52%), although they were down from last year (to read why I think falls should not be included on this list, see my October, 2009 Op-Ed here). 

In general, it looks like Massachusetts hospitals are doing better than their peers in other states.  But there were still 24 wrong side surgeries last year.  On this one, the benchmarks shouldn't matter.  There shouldn't be any.  How many commercial airplanes go to the wrong city?

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